I haven’t written any posts lately because, quite frankly, there hasn’t been much to write home about. The holiday season here in Busan was decent. The season has never been a big deal to me, and most Koreans share the same sentiment.
I have been booed up (see: in a relationship), so I’ve been spending much of my time with my new lady (you might recall her form the previous post as the girl that I convinced to be my girlfriend for Halloween). I might write my next post on my relationship and how I managed to stanch up, what many call, one of the baddest babes in Busan, which speaks almost no English, while I posses virtually no Korean vocabulary. I’m something like a beast.
So what have we been up to?
A whole lotta fuckin’. I mean, a whole lotta nothin’. We just hang out, watch movies, go club or bar hopping, play darts, foosball, and cards. We take a trip here and there every once in a while. The first of which we took to Seoul for a fraternity banquet. I love it how no matter where I go in the world I will always find the Ques! I think she was completely shocked to see so many black dudes in one place. This kinda thing doesn’t happen everywhere in Korea.
We took the train from Busan, which takes about 3 hours. Not much was said because, well… we can’t understand each other. We just gazed in each others eyes and smiled. We stayed in a nice hotel on the military base, and left the next day after lunch. The ride back was very similar to the ride up – no words, just smiles. Oh, and she gave me a hand job discreetly under by jacket. It was after that trip that I decided I’d keep her around for a lil bit.
Car shopping
I’d been shopping around for a car for quite a while and finally found one online in Daegu (about an hour away from Busan). I bought it the weekend after the Seoul trip and she traveled with me to pick it up and to help me find my way back to Busan. She even managed to get a good chunk of the price knocked off for ya boy (me). I don’t know what she did or said while they were negotiation (very noisily) in the bathroom, but it worked.
Clothes shopping
When I came to Busan I packed only for the spring and summer so I had to do some shopping for the winter. Unfortunately I’m too big for most fashionable jackets. But, luckily this chick knew the
places for me to look.
We went to Nampo-dong, a shopping district of Busan. There I found a snazzy pea coat which is still pretty tight on me but looks pretty fuckin’ pimp. I also picked up some Korean-style tight jeans and some sleek high heeled zip-up boots in both black and brown (they’re not as gay as they sound).
I was, however, unable to find any gloves to fit my hands which worried me because I don’t feel comfortable murdering anyone without gloves. I did pick up some other winter essentials such as a scarf, turtleneck, hoodie, and beanies. I have enough old stuff to layer with the new shit to keep from freezing.
I did receive a nice pair of leather gloves that fit, from my lady for Christmas. It was nice of her especially since I told her not to get me anything. I got her a lovely necklace that I’ll be taking back when the relationship is over.
The spa
One cold Saturday afternoon we made a trip to the nearby city of Kyung-Ju to visit a spa. It was freezing cold but the water was nice and hot. Made you not want to leave once you were submerged in the soup. We just relaxed and inappropriately played with each other under the water.
The spa was an interesting experience because I really stuck out like a sore on a lip. All eyes were on me from the minute I emerged from the locker room. But what can I expect as a 200 lb. black man, with a
tattoo, 12 visible brand marks, and a mohawk to top it off.
My lady seemed to like the attention much more than I did. Sometimes I just stared back at the little kids to scare them, because they were just so blatant about it. All in all it was nice and relaxing. After the spa we stopped for a bite to eat before making the trip back to Busan.
Let me state that the price of gas here is a little bit like anal rape but slightly less pleasant. In other words; it’s pretty bad! It costs me about $70 to fill up my tank and I drive a small 2 door sports car. At first a full tank lasted me about 2 weeks, but I toned down the out of town travel and now try to get about 3-4 weeks out of a full tank. Public transport is sometimes better to
use during rush hour so I take that route on occasion.
To be honest, that’s about it for the whole season. Oh yeah, nothing spectacular or amusing. Sorry to disappoint.